What do you need with Network Documentation ?
A Reddit comment about network documentation was given to me by one of my workers. What’s useful for documentation software, inquired the original poster? “Don’t buy that,” a Redditor stated after mentioning a famous brand in network documentation software. They continued to explain that they were offered a lot of fantastic things due to the transaction. Still, the program was so tricky for us that they had to switch to spreadsheets and Visio for documentation…. As a result, they’d lost a substantial amount of money.
Unfortunately, this is not frequent for entrepreneurship platforms like IT Documentation, Data Centre Infrastructure Management Software, or anything with the potential to be both groundbreaking and sophisticated. Companies waist a lot of money on shelfware…and then using the same stuff they had before. Yikes.
So, what exactly do you require in terms of network documentation?
Do you really need all the bells and whistles that a large corporation may provide, or do you need something that does a basic job but does it OK?
So, what are the gimmicks and frills?
Some network documentation firms provide a complete solution that includes functions similar to network monitoring/management tools, such as:
. Faults, performance, and network availability are all factors to consider.
. Analysis of network traffic and bandwidth monitoring
. Monitoring of servers and applications.
When is it a good idea to invest in network documentation software like this?
Monitoring and controlling your network infrastructure and detecting any potential network breaches are mission crucial for your company. These tools have a position in the marketplace for anyone who requires a network monitoring tool, and depending on particular requirements; they can be a perfect match.
What if you don’t require it, but you do require documentation?
Perhaps paperwork to assist new people to the organization in onboarding much more rapidly, or to maintain all of an employee’s knowledge (who may be retiring soon)? Maybe all you need to know is what’s on the network and how everything is connected at the port level. Your supervisor may request a reports on all Network Infrastructure Assets as well as a regular discover of your network every week or so. You don’t need to worry about faults, performance, bandwidth usage, or monitoring. “Just give me a report on my network!” says the narrator. This is when netTerrain Logical and other similar technologies come in handy…and without breaking the budget.
For instance, netTerrain provides:
. SNMP network discovery and CDP and LLDP discovery can be used to identify your network asset and its connections.
. Scheduler to scan your network automatically according to your preferences.
. Ability to link to third-party services like AWS, Azure, Solar winds, Service Now, and VMWare to serve as a central repository for seeing additional facts about your public, hybrid, or private network.
The Collector (included in the software package) is where netTerrain’s SNMP network discovery and Rest API connectors are stored. You can view your network topology diagrams in any web browser after pushing the results of the scan, where you can adjust the graphs, add custom data fields assets or link (such as tracking warranty, cost, maintenance, and owners), Generate different graphical views, such as data center and telecom center racks and floor plans, by embedding/attaching documents.
So, when is an investment in software like netTerrain a good decision?
When you require a visual representation of your network’s current state. If you wish to try netTerrain for 14 days to perform your network discovery, go to https://www.netterrain.us/ and sign up.